<2022出境注意事項 Approval before going abroad>
醫學系學生出國申請-辦公室聯絡方式:04-22053366 #2102
公告日期: 2022-01-12 18:34 公告單位: 防疫小組 各位教職員及同學,大家好: 近日全球國際疫情持續嚴峻及Omicron新型變異株之威脅增加,國際旅遊疫情建議等級為三級警告,敬請避免所有非必要境外旅遊。如有特殊情況必要出國者(如進修、開會、返鄉等),務必遵守出國前須完成簽呈核准後,方可離境。 另依第147次防疫會議決議,若因出境後返台檢疫,致使學生於開學後無法到校上課期間,將不核為防疫假,請依中國醫藥大學學生請假規則辦理。 為維護校園防疫安全,如因隱匿而造成檢疫無法追蹤或使校園出現防疫破口,將依本校獎懲規定追究其責任。 防疫工作人人有責,為維護全體教職員生與家人之健康,敬請見諒並配合協助。 Dear CMU faculty, staff and students, Due to the rapid spread of Omicron variant, the recommended level for traveling abroad is still at level 3 alert: all unnecessary international travel should be suspended. If there is any special circumstance that you need to go abroad, please DO report and get the approval by the University before going abroad. Please do comply with the regulation and get the signed approval before going abroad. According to the 147th meeting of the CMU Epidemic Prevention Team, any student that fails to physically attend school after the school starts due to quarantine in Taiwan, he/she is not eligible to apply for the epidemic prevention leave, and is required to abide to the general leave regulations. To maintain the campus safety, all returning members should truly declare their travel history and contact history for the follow-up health management measures. If any concealment is found, one may be penalized according to related CMU regulations. A successful epidemic prevention work relies on cooperation from each one of us. Please do cooperate and comply with the above regulation. We need everyone's effort to protect the health of all CMU members and our family. |